About Cash's


Cash's has been delivering quality since 1846, back then the company was England's leading silk ribbon manufacturer led by the pioneering fervour of two Quaker brothers, John and Joseph Cash, the elder sons of a wealthy stuff-merchant. 

In a time where Huguenots were escaping persecution in Europe and Coventry was already becoming famous for its silk weaving and skilled jacquard weavers, Cash's like other merchants distributed silk to workers who owned their own jacquard looms at home and paid a fixed price for each finished piece. The brothers fast outgrew this system and instead became factory masters. In 1857, work began on a site at Kingfield Road which Cash's (UK) was to occupy for the next 138 years. 

Despite the collapse of other British firms due to The Free Trade Bill of 1860 which allowed continental ribbons to flood the English market. Cash's survived by switching production to narrow frillings, to Victorian silk commemoratives and latterly to woven labels with which garment manufacturers could identify their products.

It was in the 1870s that the first Cash's woven nametape rattled off the jacquard looms. Since then, successive generations of school children have come to rely on this method of identification. In January 1964, Cash's (UK) was appointed 'Manufacturers of Woven Name Tapes to Her Majesty the Queen'.

Today, as the sole survivor of those historic Coventry weavers, Cash's has consolidated traditional craft skills with some of the industry's most advanced technologies and production techniques to offer our customers well priced fine quality name labels, clothing labels, personalised luggage straps, woven cards, bookmarks, pictures, and woven badges for well-known brands. 

Our quality and market leadership are reflected in our diversifying range of woven products and an extensive list of fashion retailers, sportswear manufactures, establishment societies and institutions who have chosen to work with us. Cash's is the name behind the great name!